From December 14th, SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science offered live broadcasts of online lectures to students of three programs (Finance, Management Information Systems, Operations Management) via ZOOM. The online lectures were given by three UD program directors individually at 21:00-22:00 on December 14th, December 15th, and December 18th, 2020.

Professor John Stocker(Joint Program Director of Finance)delivered the first lecture with the topic of "Company Evaluation and Building a Financial Model" on December 14th. Professor Rick Andrews(Associate Dean of SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science)attended the lecture,and Professor Ma Jingtang (Dean of School of Economic Mathematics at SWUFE and Joint Program Director of Finance) hosted the lecture and extended greetings to John and Rick.
Professor John presented to students a thoughtful lecture about finance. He enlightened students with interesting questions and then discussed with them and encouraged them to share their opinions. From the lecture, the students gained an acquaintance with a number of financial terms and expertise. The content of the lecture tested students’ knowledge and helped to broaden their understanding of the field of finance.

On December 15, Prof. CAO Jinwei who serves as the Joint Program Director of Management Information System of SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science gave an online lecture on "learning MIS in the big data era". Prof. Rick Andrews, the Associate Dean of SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science, attended the lecture. Professor Wang Yu, the Associate Dean of the School of Economic Information Engineering and the Joint Program Director of Management Information System, attended and hosted this lecture.
Professor CAO Jinwei brought a lively and attractive lecture to students. She firstly introduced the Management Information System program by analyzing the links among information, personnel, and information technology. She expected students to overcome language barriers as soon as possible, encouraging them to set up ambitious goals and wishing them an abundant and joyful journey in university.
On December 18th, Prof. Hemant Kher (the Joint Program Director of Operations Management of SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science) and his collogues Sabrina Grasso (the adjunct instructor at UD) gave an online lecture on "Operations Management in General". Prof. Rick Andrews, who is the Associate Dean of SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science, attended the online course. Professor Yi LIAO, the Joint Program Director of Operations Management, attended and hosted this lecture.
Professor Hemant and Instructor Sabrina delivered an attractive lecture to students. Prof. Hemant firstly introduced operations management as a major in general, then Sabrina elaborated lots of specialized terms on operations management fields. And finally, Prof. Hemant and Prof. Rick offered some career advice for students. It was a significant lecture that encouraged OM students to set up study and career goals and wish them an incredible university journey.

Editor: ZHOU Rui
Proofreading: LIU Xiaona