
经世济民 、孜孜以求 。

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Celebrating International Women's Day
【 Off the press 】 Published : 2021-03-19

March 8th marks International Women’s Day. We organized various events for faculty. Meaningful activities within a kind and cozy atmosphere are an excellent chance to renew enthusiasm at work. Student representatives and members of faculty participated in the Poetry and Story Reading with the theme “saluting the heroines” after an exchange meeting. The Dean, Prof. Yang, attended activities and gave a speech.

We celebrated the outstanding contributions female members of faculty have made to our Institute, and we should uphold women’s achievements in the last year. Prof. Yang delivered good wishes to the faculty, and discussed topics about work, family, and leisure.

A beautiful song WEIWEI (微微)sung by the students of our Institute  is dedicated to all the mothers and female friends!

In the poetry and story reading with the theme “saluting the heroines”, student representatives and faculty shared six pieces of poetry and stories, respectively. Please click the link to enjoy the song and story readings !

Editor: ZHOU Rui, YI Jiawei

Proofreading: LIU Xiaona
