
经世济民 、孜孜以求 。

Position: EN > Faculty and Staff > Advisor Directory > Subject > All > Content >

【 All 】 Published : 2021-04-10

Title: professor

Email: yetian@swufe.edu.cn

Introduction: Ye TIAN is a professor at the School of Business Administration and serves as the director of the Institute of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. He received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University.


Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State University, 2012

B.S., Experimental Class of Science, Zhu Kezhen College, Zhejiang University, 2008

Specialty & Achievement

Teaching Interests

He teaches courses in Optimization Theory and Application, Operations Management, Application of Mathematics in Management, Machine learning, Optimization theory, Supply Chain Management, Business Intelligence.

Research Interests

His research interests include Logistics Supply Chain, Algorithm Design, Artificial Intelligence, Financial Risk Control. In recent three years, his research has been published in leading field journals as IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Applied Soft Computing, and European Journal of Operational Research.
