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SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science at SWUFE Successfully Held the Student Development & Career Planning Lecture Series
【 Off the press 】 Published : 2022-05-31

In May 2022, our Teaching and Quality Assurance Office and Student Development and Support Office jointly held the lecture series on student development and career planning, aiming at helping students identify their academic goals, establish career planning awareness, formulate personal development plans, and develop the competitive edge for graduate studies and future employment. Several outstanding SWUFE graduates from financial mathematics, information management, information system and other majors brought a multi-dimensional “empowerment lecture” series to our 2020 and 2021 cohorts.  

In the first lecture titled “Live your dream, and dream your life”, five graduates from the School of Business Administration and School of Mathematics showed their diverse development paths with vivid personal stories. They talked about implementing effective time management given the high academic stress and offered advice on how to appropriately formulate the four-year undergraduate study plan and ultimately get the postgraduate recommendations or dream program offers. Then, in the second lecture named “Stick to your belief, head for your dream schools”, three graduates from the School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence encouraged the students to set up career plans and goals in advance, and prepare for admission to target universities with strong belief and devoted actions.  

The two lectures ended successfully with warm applause in a harmonious atmosphere and the students expressed their appreciation for being inspired. This lecture series strove to help students establish future academic goals, identify personal advantages and interests, clarify career orientations, and ultimately confirm their own development path.

Editor: QIN Yi

Proofreading: LI Zeyu
