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The Logistics Management Program of the SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science at SWUFE Designated as a National First-Class Site for Developing Its Undergraduate Major
【 Off the press 】 Published : 2022-06-10

In June 2022, the logistics management program of the SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science was accepted into the list of the 2021 National Sites for the Creation of First Class Undergraduate Majors, as was publicized by the Ministry of Education in its No. 14 [2022] official letter.

Under the Guidelines of the General Office of the Ministry of Education for Implementing the ‘Double Ten-Thousand Plans’ for the Construction of First-class Undergraduate Majors, the 2021 national first-class undergraduate major sites were selected through the process of online submissions, universities’ review, and the recommendation by the Teaching Steering Committee of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education after its voting procedure. The process identified 3,730 undergraduate programs as the national sites for their respective first-class majors, which include 1,466 national programs and 2,264 local programs.

Echoing the national strategic plan of “New Liberal Arts” and SWUFE’s strategic demand of “New Finance and Economics”, our logistics management program strives to cultivate interdisciplinary logistics management talents in this new era. We provide rigorous academic training and various practicums based on the interdisciplinary talent training philosophy of “New Finance and Economics, Data Science Application, and Global Insights”, aiming at developing our program into the best one in the Western Region and one of the leading logistics management programs nationally.  

The SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science follows the national guiding ideology and requirements for the “New Liberal Arts” development and keeps up with the latest trends in the logistics industry. We continuously optimize the education plan by refining the curriculum, enhancing teaching methods, introducing research frontiers, implementing social practices, inviting guest speakers, and building effective evaluation mechanisms, gradually developing the comprehensive, multi-dimensional, and customized talent training model.

In the next stage, the SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science will take full advantage of being designated as the National First-Class Site for our logistics management major. We will concentrate on strengthening morality education, highlight program features, optimize curriculum and teaching materials, strengthen the industry-education integration, deepen professional comprehensive reforms, and diversify and innovate talent training paths. We look forward to supporting first-class talent training with the construction of the first-class academic professional major.

Editor: WANG Yaorong

Proofreading: LI Zeyu
