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【 学院聚焦 】 发布于 : 2020-05-15


特拉华数据科学学院将以西南财经大学近百年的文化积淀与在国际学术界享有盛誉的美国特拉华大学近300年的厚重历史紧密结合,充分地利用两个学校的学科优势和优质资源,通过本土国际化路径,创新人才培养模式,积极打造一流本科人才培养的国际化创新示范区,力争创建国内一流、西部领先的中外合作办学机构。学院采用国际化课程体系设计,中外精英师资团队共同授课,瞄准以学生为中心的本科教学,注重学生完整知识结构体系的构建,扩展交叉学科知识, 将围绕数据科学、科技金融以及现代供应链管理等范畴,拓展传统信息管理、金融学、应用数学和运筹学的学科边界,培养具备扎实的数据科学理论基础和广阔的数据应用视野、具有全球胜任力的复合型专业人才。学院招收求知欲强、素质优良的高中学生, 参与到具有国际高水准的数据科学人才培养中, 使学生拥有良好的综合素养、专业的技术分析能力和创新能力,成为不断适应时代变革的价值创造者。

2020年秋天,学院将喜迎首届学生,在此,我们热忱欢迎有志之子加入特拉华数据科学学院! 秉承西南财经大学“经世济民、孜孜以求”的大学精神和“开放包容、求是创新”的学术底蕴,我们将砥砺前行,追求卓越,潜心育人,筑梦起航,为学生提供良好的发展空间,在这里习得的专业知识和培养的综合能力都能为日后的深造和就业打下坚实的基础,让每一位学子绽放人生华彩!



The University of Delaware is delighted to partner with Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) to create the SWUFE-UD Joint Educational Institute for Data Sciences (JEI hereafter), which will enroll its first group of students starting in fall 2020.  The JEI will offer Bachelor of Science degrees in Finance, Operations Management, and Management Information Systems, with all three majors sharing courses in data science.

With the rapid advances in information technologies, the volume of data generated has increased tremendously in recent years. These data are generated from various sources such as online transactions, mobile applications, sensors, video-capturing systems, and social media, and are arriving at an unprecedented scale. Businesses with expertise in data science and analytics can apply predictive and prescriptive models to these data sources in order to generate managerial and strategic insights and create business value. The majors offered as part of the JEI aim to enable students to use data and analytics to gain competitive advantages in today’s business world. Students with a working knowledge of data science will have an advantage on the job market since many companies in the United States and elsewhere around the world are seeking employees who can utilize data to inform managerial decisions and create business value.

The SWUFE-UD Joint Educational Institute for Data Science is a win-win-win arrangement for UD, SWUFE, and the Chinese students who will enroll in the JEI.  Students will receive a better education since they are gaining the combined expertise of highly-respected educational institutions in the U.S. and China, which will prepare them for better opportunities for employment or graduate education. By making JEI programs available to high school applicants, SWUFE attracts more and better students to the University.  UD faculty members gain valuable international experiences, and the University gains international exposure by participating in this innovative educational institute.  It is with great enthusiasm that UD anticipates this new and exciting era in international collaboration!

Rick L.Andrews

Foreign Associate Dean,

SWUFE-UD Institute of Data Science at SWUFE






Rick L.Andrews


