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【 全部 】 发布于 : 2021-09-28





2005.09-2009.07  山东工商学院    人力资源管理  学士学位

2010.09-2012.07  西南财经大学    人力资源管理  硕博连读

2012.09-2016.07  西南财经大学    企业管理      博士学位







近三年指导本科生31名,研究生3名,同等学力7名,MBA 1名。



[1] 金家飞, 徐姗, & 王艳霞. (2014). 角色压力, 工作家庭冲突和心理抑郁的中美比较——社会支持的调节作用. 心理学报, Vol. 46, No.8, 1144−1160.

[2] Chen, W., Zhang, Y., Sanders, K., & Xu, S. (2018). Family-friendly work practices and their outcomes in China: the mediating role of work-to-family enrichment and the moderating role of gender. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(7), 1307-1329. (SSCI) (通讯作者)2016.6.13

[3] Xu, S., Jin, J., Wang, Y. (2018). Do employees actually intend to turnover when betrayed? Evidence from China and the U.S. Nankai Business Review International, 9 (2), 179-198.(南开管理评论海外版).  4 June 2018

[4] Zhang, Y., Xu, S *, Jin, J. & Ford, M. T. (2018). The Within and Cross Domain Effects of Work-Family Enrichment: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 104, 210-227. (A2) (通讯作者)21 November 2017.

[5] Xu, S., Wang, Y., Mu, R., Jin, J., & Gao, F. (2018). The effects of work–family interface on domain‐specific satisfaction and well‐being across nations: The moderating effects of individualistic culture and economic development. PsyCh Journal, 7(4), 248-267. (SSCI) 16 August 2018

[6] Zhang, L., Zhang, Y., Alexander Newman, & Xu, S*. (2018). How perceived empowerment HR practices influence work engagement in social enterprises–a moderated mediation model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-29. (SSCI) (通讯作者)10 Jul 2018

[7] Zhang, Y., Xu, S, & Zhang, L. (2018). How Family Support Influences Work Cynicism and Employee Silence: The Moderating Role of Gender. Cornell of Hospitality quality. (SSCI). 60(3) 249–261

[8] Zhang, Y., Zhang, L., Liu, G., Duan, j., Xu, S, & Cheung, M. W.-L. (In press) How ethical leadership impacts employee organizational citizenship behavior? A meta-analytic review of competing mediating mechanisms based on two stage meta-analytic structural equations modeling (TSSEM). Zeitschrift für Psychologie. (SSCI).

[9] Zhang, Y., Zhen, Y., Zhang, L., Xu, S., Liu, X., & Chen, W. (In press). A meta-analytic review of servant leadership consequences: The moderating roles of cultural factors. Asian Pacific Journal of Management. (SSCI) 23 January 2019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10490-018-9639-z

[10] Zhang, Y., Liu, X., Xu, S*, Bednall, T. & Yang, L. (2019). Why Abusive Supervision Impacts Employee OCB and CWB: A Meta-Analytic Review of Competing Mediating Mechanisms. Journal of Management.45(6),2474–2497 (A1)(通讯作者)

[11] Zhang, Y. E., Liu, S., Xu, S.*, Yang, M. M., & Zhang, J. (2019). Integrating the Split/Analyze/Meta-Analyze (SAM) Approach and a Multilevel Framework to Advance Big Data Research in Psychology. Zeitschrift für Psychologie. 226(4), 274-283 (SSCI). (通讯作者)

[12] Wang, Y., Xu, S.* & Wang, Y. (2020) The consequences of employees’ perceptions of CSR: A meta-analysis. Business Ethics: A European Review. 29:471–496.(通讯作者)

[13]Zhang, Y., Liu, G., Zhang, L. Xu, S. & Cheung, M. (2020) Psychological Ownership: A Meta-Analysis and Comparison of Multiple Forms of Attachment in the Workplace. Journal of Management. Online: DOI: 10.1177/0149206320917195.

[14] Xu, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, B., Qing, T., & Jin, J. (2020). (In press) Does Inconsistent Social Support Matter? The effects of Social Support on Work Absorption through Relaxation at Work. Frontier in Psychology.

[15] Zhang, Y., Xu, S., Zhang, L., & Yang, M. Big Data and Human Resource Management Research: An Integrative Review and New Directions for Future Research. Journal of Business Research.

[16] Chen, H., Wang, H., Yuan, M. & Xu, S. Daily Challenge/Hindrance Demands and Cognitive Wellbeing: A Multilevel Moderated Mediation Model. Frontiers in Psychology.

[17] Tang, J., Xu, W., Li, J., Tian, Y., Xu, S. (2021) Multi-view learning methods with the LINEX loss for pattern classification. Knowledge-Based Systems, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2021.107285.
